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Click HereTraveling from the Blue Mountains: Take the Great Western Hwy/A32. 6.6km after the traffic lights at Lithgow take the Castlereagh Hwy exit towards State Rte 86/Mudgee. Continue on the Castlereagh Highway for 36 km until you reach the town of Capertee. The Royal Hotel is on your left. Enter the free car park. Traveling from Mudgee: Head east on Castlereagh Hwy/Horatio St/B55 for 80 km until you reach the town of Capertee. The Royal Hotel is on your right. Enter the free car park.
The minimum age for check-in is 18. Take care of the Accommodation and its furniture, fixtures, electronics, and other contents, and leave things in the same state when you arrived. If anything is broken, damaged, or lost, report it to the staff there (as soon as possible, and certainly before you check out). Maintain the security of the Hotel and its contents during your stay. Please do not leave doors or windows unlocked.